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Blog, Reviews & More

Where I’ve Been Lately

I’ve been quiet for a while here on the Passion for Sound blog due to a little personal project I’ve been working on over at Head-Fi. Some of you will

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Matrix X-Sabre DAC

Matrix is a Chinese brand that made its name with the astonishingly affordable and excellent M-Stage headphone amplifier. After making a few products which were seen as “clones” of other

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SoundMAGIC HP200

I have a confession to make. I have completely disregarded the SoundMAGIC headphones for ages simply because of their name. It wasn’t the fact that they’re a Chinese (i.e. not

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Astrotec AX-60

There are 2 pieces of opening information required to help contextualise this review. Firstly, Astrotec may sound like a new name in the business, but they’ve actually been making headphones

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Beyerdynamic T1

Beyerdynamic are a well known name in the headphone industry and in the professional audio world. I have toyed with the idea of purchasing Beyers on many occasions, but never

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Chord SilverPlus USB Cable

I need to start this review with a strong disclaimer. Having read a lot of different views and applied my own limited knowledge to the topic, I really didn’t expect

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iRiver AK100

I’ve called this review “iRiver AK100”, but it probably should be called the iRiver Astell & Kern Red Wine Audio RWAK100. I’l explain… The AK100 is originally designed by Korean

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