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Tag: portable


Acoustic Research AR-M2

I recently reviewed the Audioquest Nighthawks (much to my pleasure) and the Australian distributor of said Nighthawks surprised me by lending me 2 other products at the same time as

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Brainwavz S3 IEMs

The S3s sit between the already-released S1 and S5 models in Brainwavz’ “S” series line-up of in-ears. What separates the S3s from the S1s and S5s is their tuning. I

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Audioquest Nighthawk

I’ve been writing reviews now for around 15 years and I think this might be the very first time that I’ve ever re-written a review – not just edited a

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Cozoy Astrapi portable DAC

The Cozoy Astrapi is a teeny tiny marvel. It’s a DAC that’s so small I’ve been carrying it around in the pen holder sleeve of my bag! Overview The Astrapi

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Aune B1 portable amplifier

A while ago now I was fortunate enough to preview an upcoming portable amplifier from Aune, the company that brought us the excellent and affordable T1 tube DAC / amp.

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FiiO X3 2nd Generation

A while back now, FiiO released their X3 portable music player (or digital audio player / DAP). The original X3 was a bit rough-looking and had an odd button layout,

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HUM Pervasion Update

When I reviewed the HUM Pervasion back in January it was a brand new player on the market and the version I was using was one of the first ones

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